Psychometric Tests

Psychological Assessments 

Why should you use Psychological Assessments (A.K.A Psychometrics) ?      

 At BWell7 we provide psychometrics  to help understand and increase awareness behind human behaviour. We offer many different assessments, which can be used in a range of different contexts and environments. Psychometrics identify individuals key strengths, talents and motivators, a beneficial personal development tool to help the individual understand themselves better and align their qualities with their careers. Psychometrics are also a great predictor of Job Performance. They create greater efficiencies by increasing the likelihood of good hires and prevent bad hires- therefore extent their cognitive abilities and personality match those required to perform the role.

***All assessments are followed by a debrief to explore the results, and develop future direction***

Psychometrics BWell7 Offer 


Designed to systematically draw out information about a persons preferences, interests, motivators and emotional make up. As well as style of interacting with others and situations.

Aptitude and Skills 

Aptitude tests can increase efficiency and productivity. They enable organisations to get the best results from their employees by helping to develop peoples competencies, tap into skills employees may be unaware of. Increase staff satisfaction and reduce the rate of employee turnover.
Types of Ability tests

Situational Judgement 

Situational Judgements tests (SJT) are used during hiring. They are a great tool to provide insight into the individual's approach and decision-making style as well as predicting future job performance. They help to reduce bad hiring bias, by helping employers find the most competent individuals for the specific role. They are also beneficial for job candidates by providing a realistic view of the role, which reduces employee turnover.  


Insights Discovery is formed to help people understand themselves, understand others, and make the most of the relationships that affect them in the workplace.

Stemming from Jungian theory the test uses a four-colour scheme to highlight important personality preferences related to behaviours. 

360° Degree or Full Circle 

An in-depth assessment for managers and leaders, to analyse how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. It is a multi-rater development method, to enable individuals to recognise key themes and develop actionable steps for growth.


Transform the way you hire, develop and engage people with the next generation strengths assessment system to look at the strengths and potential of your people or potential new hires. 

How Can Psychometrics Benefit You ?


Increased Productivity

Improved Employee Satisfaction

Enhanced Employee Engagement 

Increased Leadership Effectiveness 

Improved Customer Satisfaction 

Improved Organisational Culture 

Efficient Recruitment & Reduced Hiring Costs 

Lower Absenteeism & Turnover Rates  

Effective Team Dynamics

Strategic Workforce Planning 


Developed Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Increase Self-awareness 

Goal Achievement 

Improved Relationships 

Personal Development 

Career Advancement

Effective Decision Making 

Strategic Thinking 

Life & Job Satisfaction 

Conflict Resolution 

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